Tuesday, October 20, 2009


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Finings[note 1] are substances that are usually added at or near the completion of the processing of wine, beer and various nonalcoholic juice beverages. Their purpose is for removal of organic compounds; to either improve clarity or adjust flavor/aroma. Specifically, the removed compounds may be sulfides, proteins, polyphenols, benzenoids, or copper ions. Unless they form a stable bottom sediment in the final container, the spent finings are usually discarded from the beverage along with the target compounds that they capture.

Historically, various substances such as egg whites, blood, milk, and Irish moss have been used as finings. These are still used by some producers, but more modern substances have also been introduced and are more widely used, including isinglass, bentonite, gelatin, casein, carrageenan, alginate, diatomaceous earth, pectinase, pectolase, PVPP (Polyclar), kieselsol (colloidal silica), copper sulfate, dried albumen, hydrated yeast, and activated carbon.[citation needed]



Their actions may be broadly categorized as either electrostatic, adsorbent, ionic, or enzymatic.

The electrostatic types comprise the vast majority; including all but activated carbon, fining yeast, PVPP, copper sulfate, pectinase and pectolase. Their purpose is to selectively remove proteins, tannins (polyphenolics) and coloring particles (melanoidins). They must be used as a batch technique, as opposed to flow-through processing methods such as filters. Their particles each have an electric charge which is attracted to the oppositely charged particles of the colloidal dispersion that they are breaking. The result is that the two substances become bound as a stable complex; their net charge becoming neutral. Thus the agglomeration of a semi-solid follows, which may be separated from the beverage either as a floating or settled mass.

The only adsorbent types of finings in use are activated carbon and specialized fining yeasts. Although activated carbon may be implemented as a flow-through filter, it is also commonly utilized as a batch ingredient, which later must be separated and discarded from the beverage. It can completely/partially remove benzenoid compounds and all classes of polyphenols non-specifically, decolorizing and deodorizing juices and wines. Traditionally, yeast fining has involved the addition of hydrated yeasts used as adsorption agents. Consisting of approximately 30% protein, yeast cell walls have a chemical affinity with wine compounds, such as those that may be polyphenolic or metallic. Indeed, yeast fining is a practical means of removing excess copper ions (greater than 0.5 mg/L) when copper sulfate is used to bind selected volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs).[1]

The ionic finings are copper sulfate and PVPP. When dissolved in aqueous beverages, copper sulfate's copper ions can chemically bind undesirable sulfides. The resulting complexes must be removed by other finings. The action of PVPP appears to be through the formation of hydrogen bonds between its carbonyl groups and the phenolic hydrogens of the polyphenols. It attracts the low molecular weight polyphenols rather than the condensed tannins and leucanthocyanins that are removed by gelatin.[2]

The enzymatic finings are pectin and pectinase. They aid in destroying the large polysaccharide molecule named pectin, which otherwise causes haze in fruit wines and juices. They are among the few finings that are added before juices are fermented.

Nutritional and vegetarian concerns

Unfortunately, healthful antioxidant flavonoids are removed by some finings. Quercetin is removed from red wines via the finings gelatin, casein, and PVPP in order to reduce astringent flavors. If other fining methods are used, the quercetin remains in the wine.[3] Similarly the catechin flavonoids are removed by PVPP and other finings that target polyphenolic compounds.

In the absence of "animal products used here" labels, vegetarians may be unaware that the processing of a commercially produced beverage may have utilized animal based finings: either gelatin, casein, albumen, or isinglass.


  1. ^ The term is a mass noun rather than a plural.


  1. ^ Wine/Enology Notes #85, by Bruce Zoecklein, 22 Jan 2004, Virginia Cooperative Extension Service [1]
  2. ^ Fining & Clarifying Agents, by Terry Rayner [2]
  3. ^ Useful Facts About Quercetin [3]

External links

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hard water

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hard water caused calcification on this tap.

Hard water is water that has high mineral content (mainly calcium and magnesium ions) (in contrast with soft water). Hard water minerals primarily consist of calcium (Ca2+), and magnesium (Mg2+) metal cations, and sometimes other dissolved compounds such as bicarbonates and sulfates. Calcium usually enters the water as either calcium carbonate (CaCO3), in the form of limestone and chalk, or calcium sulfate (CaSO4), in the form of other mineral deposits. The predominant source of magnesium is dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2). Hard water is generally not harmful to one's health.

The simplest way to determine the hardness of water is the lather/froth test: soap or toothpaste, when agitated, lathers easily in soft water but not in hard water. More exact measurements of hardness can be obtained through a wet titration. The total water 'hardness' (including both Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions) is read as parts per million (ppm) or weight/volume (mg/L) of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in the water. Although water hardness usually only measures the total concentrations of calcium and magnesium (the two most prevalent, divalent metal ions), iron, aluminium, and manganese may also be present at elevated levels in some geographical locations. Iron in this case is important for, if present, it will be in its tervalent form, causing the calcification to be brownish (the color of rust) instead of white (the color of most of the other compounds).




Hardness in water is defined as the presence of multivalent cations. Hardness in water can cause water to form scales and a resistance to soap. It can also be defined as water that doesn’t produce lather with soap solutions, but produces white precipitate (scum). For example, sodium stearate reacts with calcium:

2C17H35COONa + Ca2+ → (C17H35COO)2Ca + 2Na+

Hardness of water may also be defined as the soap-consuming capacity of water, or the the capacity of precipitation of soap as a characteristic property of water that prevent the lathering of soap.

Types of hard water

A distinction is made between 'temporary' and 'permanent' hard water.

Temporary hardness

Temporary hardness is caused by a combination of calcium ions and bicarbonate ions in the water. It can be removed by boiling the water or by the addition of lime (calcium hydroxide). Boiling promotes the formation of carbonate from the bicarbonate and precipitates calcium carbonate out of solution, leaving water that is softer upon cooling.

The following is the equilibrium reaction when calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is dissolved in water:

CaCO3(s) + CO2(aq) + H2O Ca2+(aq) + 2HCO3-(aq)

Upon heating, less CO2 is able to dissolve into the water (see Solubility). Since there is not enough CO2 around, the reaction cannot proceed from left to right, and therefore the CaCO3 will not dissolve as rapidly. Instead, the reaction is forced to the left (i.e., products to reactants) to re-establish equilibrium, and solid CaCO3 is formed. Boiling the water will remove hardness as long as the solid CaCO3 that precipitates out is removed. After cooling, if enough time passes the water will pick up CO2 from the air and the reaction will again proceed from left to right, allowing the CaCO3 to "re-dissolve" into the water.

For more information on the solubility of calcium carbonate in water and how it is affected by atmospheric carbon dioxide, see calcium carbonate.

Permanent hardness

Permanent hardness is hardness (mineral content) that cannot be removed by boiling. It is usually caused by the presence of calcium and magnesium sulfates and/or chlorides in the water, which become more soluble as the temperature rises. Despite the name, permanent hardness can be removed using a water softener or ion exchange column, where the calcium and magnesium ions are exchanged with the sodium ions in the column.

Hard water causes scaling, which is the left over mineral deposits that are formed after the hard water had evaporated. This is also known as limescale. The scale can clog pipes, ruin water heaters, coat the insides of tea and coffee pots, and decrease the life of toilet flushing units.

Similarly, insoluble salt residues that remain in hair after shampooing with hard water tend to leave hair rougher and harder to untangle.[1]

In industrial settings, water hardness must be constantly monitored to avoid costly breakdowns in boilers, cooling towers, and other equipment that comes in contact with water. Hardness is controlled by the addition of chemicals and by large-scale softening with zeolite(Na2Al2Si2O8.xH2O) and ion exchange resins.


It is possible to measure the level of total hardness in water by obtaining a total hardness water testing kit. These kits measure the level of calcium and magnesium in the water. Temporary hardness test kits do not normally measure calcium and magnesium levels but normally use an approximation based on some form of alkalinity test. To accurately measure temporary hardness would involve a series of tests to work out how much bicarbonates and carbonates are present and how much calcium and magnesium is present and what percentage combination there is. In most cases the temporary hardness kit is a good approximation, but anions such as hydroxides, borates, phopshates can have quite an effect on temporary hardenss test kits. There are several different scales used to describe the hardness of water in different contexts.

  • Parts per million (ppm)
    Usually defined as one milligram of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) per litre of water (the definition used below).[2]
  • grains/gallon (gpg)
    Defined as 1 grain (64.8 mg) of calcium carbonate per U.S. gallon (3.79 litres), or 17.118 ppm
  • mmol/L (millimoles per litre)
    One millimole of calcium (either Ca2+ or CaCO3) per litre of water corresponds to a hardness of 100.09 ppm or 5.608 dGH, since the molar mass of calcium carbonate is 100.09 g/mol.
  • Degrees of General Hardness (dGH)
    One degree of General Hardness is defined as 10 milligrams of calcium oxide per litre of water, which is the same as one German degree (17.848 ppm).
  • Various alternative "degrees":
    • Clark degrees (°Clark)/English degrees (°E)
      One degree Clark is defined as one grain (64.8 mg) of calcium carbonate per Imperial gallon (4.55 litres) of water, equivalent to 14.254 ppm.
    • German degrees (Deutsche Härte, °dH)
      One degree German is defined as 10 milligrams of calcium oxide per litre of water. This is equivalent to 17.848 milligrams of calcium carbonate per litre of water, or 17.848 ppm.
    • French degrees (°f) (letter written in lower-case to avoid confusion with degree Fahrenheit — not always adhered to)
      One degree French is defined as 10 milligrams of calcium carbonate per litre of water, equivalent to 10 ppm.
    • American degrees
      One degree American is defined as one milligram of calcium carbonate per litre of water, equivalent to 1 ppm.

Although most of the above measures define hardness in terms of concentrations of calcium in water, any combination of calcium and magnesium cations having the same total molarity as a pure calcium solution will yield the same degree of hardness. Consequently, hardness concentrations for naturally occurring waters (which will contain both Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions), are usually expressed as an equivalent concentration of pure calcium in solution. For example, water that contains 1.5 mmol/L of elemental calcium (Ca2+) and 1.0 mmol/L of magnesium (Mg2+) is equivalent in hardness to a 2.5 mmol/L solution of calcium alone (250.2 ppm).

Because it is the precise mixture of minerals dissolved in the water, together with the water's pH and temperature, that determines the behaviour of the hardness, a single-number scale does not adequately describe hardness. Descriptions of hardness correspond roughly with ranges of mineral concentrations:

  • Very soft: 0-70 ppm, 0-4 dGH
  • Soft: 70-140 ppm, 4-8 dGH
  • Slightly hard: 140-210 ppm, 8-12 dGH
  • Moderately hard: 210-320 ppm, 12-18 dGH
  • Hard: 320-530 ppm, 18-30 dGH
  • Very hard >530 ppm, >30 dGH


Several indices are used to describe the behaviour of calcium carbonate in water, oil, or gas mixtures.[3]

Langelier Saturation Index (LSI)

The Langelier Saturation Index (sometimes Langelier Stability Index) is a calculated number used to predict the calcium carbonate stability of water. It indicates whether the water will precipitate, dissolve, or be in equilibrium with calcium carbonate. Langelier developed a method for predicting the pH at which water is saturated in calcium carbonate (called pHs). The LSI is expressed as the difference between the actual system pH and the saturation pH.

LSI = pH - pHs

If the actual pH of the water is below the calculated saturation pH, the LSI is negative and the water has a very limited scaling potential. If the actual pH exceeds pHs, the LSI is positive, and being supersaturated with CaCO3, the water has a tendency to form scale. At increasing positive index values, the scaling potential increases.

Langelier saturation index is defined as:

LSI = pH (measured) - pHs

  • For LSI > 0, water is super saturated and tends to precipitate a scale layer of CaCO3.
  • For LSI = 0, water is saturated (in equilibrium) with CaCO3. A scale layer of CaCO3 is neither precipitated nor dissolved.
  • For LSI <>

In practice, water with an LSI between -0.5 and +0.5 will not display enhanced mineral dissolving or scale forming properties. Water with an LSI below -0.5 tends to exhibit noticeably increased dissolving abilities while water with an LSI above +0.5 tends to exhibit noticeably increased scale forming properties.

It is also worth noting that the LSI is temperature sensitive. The LSI becomes more positive as the water temperature increases. This has particular implications in situations where well water is used. The temperature of the water when it first exits the well is often significantly lower than the temperature inside the building served by the well or at the laboratory where the LSI measurement is made. This increase in temperature can cause scaling, especially in cases such as hot water heaters.

Ryznar Stability Index (RSI)

The Ryznar stability index (RSI) uses a database of scale thickness measurements in municipal water systems to predict the effect of water chemistry.

Ryznar saturation index (RSI) was developed from empirical observations of corrosion rates and film formation in steel mains.

Ryznar saturation index is defined as:

RSI = 2 pHs – pH (measured)

  • For 6,5 <>
  • For RSI > 8 water is under saturated and, therefore, would tend to dissolve any existing solid CaCO3
  • For RSI <>

Puckorius Scaling Index (PSI)

The Puckorius Scaling Index (PSI) uses slightly different parameters to quantify the relationship between the saturation state of the water and the amount of limescale deposited.

Other indices

Other indices include the Larson-Skold Index,[4] the Stiff-Davis Index,[5] and the Oddo-Tomson Index.[6]

Health considerations

The World Health Organization says that "there does not appear to be any convincing evidence that water hardness causes adverse health effects in humans."[7]

Some studies have shown a weak inverse relationship between water hardness and cardiovascular disease in men, up to a level of 170 mg calcium carbonate per litre of water. The World Health Organization has reviewed the evidence and concluded the data were inadequate to allow for a recommendation for a level of hardness.[7]

In a review by František Kožíšek, M.D., Ph.D. National Institute of Public Health, Czech Republic there is a good overview of the topic which, unlike the WHO, sets some recommendations for the maximum and minimum levels of calcium (40-80 ppm) and magnesium (20-30 ppm) in drinking water, and a total hardness expressed as the sum of the calcium and magnesium concentrations of 2-4 mmol/L.[8]

Other studies have shown weak correlations between cardiovascular health and water hardness.[9][10][11]

A UK nationwide study, funded by the Department of Health, is investigating anecdotal evidence that childhood eczema may by correlated with hard water.[12]

Very soft water can corrode the metal pipes in which it is carried and as a result the water may contain elevated levels of cadmium, copper, lead and zinc.[7]


It is often desirable to soften hard water, as it does not readily form lather with soap. Soap is wasted when trying to form lather, and in the process, scum forms. Hard water may be treated to reduce the effects of scaling and to make it more suitable for laundry and bathing.


A water softener, like a fabric softener, works on the principle of cation or ion exchange in which ions of the hardness minerals are exchanged for sodium or potassium ions, effectively reducing the concentration of hardness minerals to tolerable levels and thus making the water softer and giving it a smoother feeling.[13]

The most economical way to soften household water is with an ion exchange water softener. This unit uses sodium chloride (table salt) to recharge beads made of the ion exchange resins that exchange hardness mineral ions for sodium ions. Artificial or natural zeolites can also be used. As the hard water passes through and around the beads, the hardness mineral ions are preferentially absorbed, displacing the sodium ions. This process is called ion exchange. When the bead or sodium zeolite has a low concentration of sodium ions left, it is exhausted, and can no longer soften water. The resin is recharged by flushing (often back-flushing) with saltwater. The high excess concentration of sodium ions alter the equilibrium between the ions in solution and the ions held on the surface of the resin, resulting in replacement of the hardness mineral ions on the resin or zeolite with sodium ions. The resulting saltwater and mineral ion solution is then rinsed away, and the resin is ready to start the process all over again. This cycle can be repeated many times.

The discharge of brine water during this regeneration process has been banned in some jurisdictions (notably California, USA) due to concerns about the environmental impact of the discharged sodium.

Potassium chloride (softener salt substitute) may also be used to regenerate the resin beads. It exchanges the hardness ions for potassium. It also will exchange naturally occurring sodium for potassium resulting in sodium-free soft water.

Some softening processes in industry use the same method, but on a much larger scale. These methods create an enormous amount of salty water that is costly to treat and dispose of.

Temporary hardness, caused by hydrogen carbonate (or bicarbonate) ions, can be removed by boiling. For example, calcium bicarbonate, often present in temporary hard water, may be boiled in a kettle to remove the hardness. In the process, a scale forms on the inside of the kettle in a process known as "furring". This scale is composed of calcium carbonate.

Ca(HCO3)2 → CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O

Hardness can also be reduced with a lime-soda ash treatment. This process, developed by Thomas Clark in 1841, involves the addition of slaked lime (calcium hydroxide — Ca(OH)2) to a hard water supply to convert the hydrogen carbonate hardness to carbonate, which precipitates and can be removed by filtration:

Ca(HCO3)2 + Ca(OH)2 → 2CaCO3 + 2H2O

The addition of sodium carbonate also permanently softens hard water containing calcium sulfate, as the calcium ions form calcium carbonate which precipitates out and sodium sulfate is formed which is soluble. The calcium carbonate that is formed sinks to the bottom. Sodium sulfate has no effect on the hardness of water.

Na2CO3 + CaSO4 → Na2SO4 + CaCO3

Effects on skin

Some confusion may arise after a first experience with soft water. Hard water does not lather well with soap and leaves a "clean" feeling. Soft water lathers better than hard water but leaves a "slippery feeling" on the skin after use with soap. A certain water softener manufacturer[which?] contends that the "slippery feeling" after showering in soft water is due to "cleaner skin" and the absence of "friction-causing" soap scum.

However, the chemical explanation is that softened water, due to its sodium content, has a much reduced ability to combine with the soap film on the body and therefore, it is much more difficult to rinse off.[14] Solutions are to use less soap or a synthetic liquid body wash.

Regional information

Hard water in Australia

Analysis of water hardness in major Australian cities by the Australian Water Association shows a range from very soft (Melbourne) to very hard (Adelaide). Total Hardness levels of Calcium Carbonate in ppm are: Canberra: 40[15]; Melbourne: 10 - 26[16]; Sydney: 39.4 - 60.1[17]; Perth: 29 - 226[18]; Brisbane: 100[19]; Adelaide: 134 - 148[20]; Hobart: 5.8 - 34.4[21]; Darwin: 31[22].

Hard water in Canada

Prairie provinces (mainly Saskatchewan and Manitoba) contain high quantities of calcium and magnesium, often as dolomite, which are readily soluble in the groundwater that contains high concentrations of trapped carbon dioxide from the last glaciation. In these parts of Canada, the total hardness in ppm of calcium carbonate equivalent frequently exceed 200 ppm, if groundwater is the only source of potable water. The west coast, by contrast, has unusually soft water, derived mainly from mountain lakes fed by glaciers and snowmelt.

Some typical values are: Montreal 116 ppm,[23] Calgary 165 ppm, Regina 202 ppm, Saskatoon < href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winnipeg" title="Winnipeg">Winn 77 ppm,[24] Toronto 121 ppm,[25] Vancouver < id="cite_ref-25" class="reference">[26] Charlottetown PEI 140 - 150 ppm.[27]

Hard water in England and Wales

Information from the British Drinking Water Inspectorate shows that drinking water in England is generally considered to be 'very hard', with most areas of England, particularly east of a line between the Severn and Tees estuaries, exhibiting above 200 ppm for the calcium carbonate equivalent. Wales, Devon, Cornwall and parts of North-West England are softer water areas, and range from 0 to 200 ppm.[28] In the brewing industry in England and Wales, water is often deliberately hardened with gypsum in the process of Burtonisation.

Hard water in the United States

More than 85% of American homes have hard water.[29] The softest waters occur in parts of the New England, South Atlantic-Gulf, Pacific Northwest, and Hawaii regions. Moderately hard waters are common in many of the rivers of the Tennessee, Great Lakes, Pacific Northwest, and Alaska regions. Hard and very hard waters are found in some of the streams in most of the regions throughout the country. Hardest waters (greater than 1,000 ppm) are in streams in Texas, New Mexico, Kansas, Arizona, and southern California.[30]

See also


  1. ^ Body And Fitness Healthy Hair Tips
  2. ^ Definitions of units of measure for water hardness
  3. ^ Corrosion by water
  4. ^ T.E., Larson and R. V. Skold, Laboratory Studies Relating Mineral Quality of Water to Corrosion of Steel and Cast Iron, 1958 Illinois State Water Survey, Champaign, IL pp. [43] - 46: ill. ISWS C-71
  5. ^ Stiff, Jr., H.A., Davis, L.E., A Method For Predicting The Tendency of Oil Field Water to Deposit Calcium Carbonate, Pet. Trans. AIME 195;213 (1952).
  6. ^ Oddo,J.E., Tomson, M.B.,Scale Control, Prediction and Treatment Or How Companies Evaluate A Scaling Problem and What They Do Wrong, CORROSION/92, Paper No. 34, (Houston, TX:NACE INTERNATIONAL 1992).
  7. ^ a b c World Health Organization Hardness in Drinking-Water, 2003
  8. ^ František Kožíšek Health significance of drinking water calcium and magnesium, February 2003
  9. ^ Studies of water quality and cardiovascular diseas...[Sci Total Environ. 1981] - PubMed Result
  10. ^ Cardiovascular mortality and calcium and magnesium...[Eur J Epidemiol. 2003] - PubMed Result
  11. ^ Magnesium and calcium in drinking water and death ...[Epidemiology. 1999] - PubMed Result
  12. ^ BBC News. Water softener eczema relief hope
  13. ^ How does a water softener work? at Howstuffworks.com
  14. ^ With soft water, why can't we rinse off all the soap?
  15. ^ ACTewAGL: Dishwashers and Water Hardness
  16. ^ Melbourne Water Public Health Compliance Report - July-September 2006
  17. ^ Sydney Typical Drinking Water Analysis
  18. ^ Perth Drinking Water Quality Annual report 2005-06
  19. ^ Brisbane Drinking Water
  20. ^ Adelaide Water Quality
  21. ^ Hobart Drinking Water Quality
  22. ^ Darwin Water Quality
  23. ^ http://www2.ville.montreal.qc.ca/pls/portal/docs/page/eau_potable_en/eau_residence.shtm
  24. ^ 2006 Winnipeg drinking water quality test results
  25. ^ City of Toronto: Toronto Water - FAQ
  26. ^ GVRD Wash Smart - Water Facts
  27. ^ http://www.city.charlottetown.pe.ca/allaire/spectra/system/mediastore/Water_Report_2006.pdf
  28. ^ http://www.anglianwater.co.uk/_assets/media/Hard_Water_Bro_16-3-09_12PP.pdf
  29. ^ Wilson, Amber; Parrott, Kathleen; Ross, Blake (1999-06), Household Water Quality - Water Hardness, http://www.ext.vt.edu/pubs/housing/356-490/356-490.html, retrieved 2009-04-26
  30. ^ Briggs, J.C., and Ficke, J.F.; Quality of Rivers of the United States, 1975 Water Year -- Based on the National Stream Quality Accounting Network (NASQAN): U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-200, 436 p. (1977)

External links

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Grains of paradise

Aframomum melegueta

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For the similarly-named Luso-Brazilian chili pepper, see Malagueta pepper.
Aframomum melegueta - Grains of Paradise

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Monocots
(unranked): Commelinids
Order: Zingiberales
Family: Zingiberaceae
Genus: Aframomum
Species: A. melegueta
Binomial name
Aframomum melegueta
K. Schum.

Aframomum melegueta is a species in the ginger family, Zingiberaceae. This spice commonly known as Grains of paradise, Melegueta pepper, alligator pepper, Guinea grains or Guinea pepper is obtained from the plant's ground seeds; it gives a pungent, peppery flavor. Although it is native to West Africa, it is an important cash crop in the Basketo special woreda of southern Ethiopia.[1]




A. melegueta is a herbaceous perennial plant native to swampy habitats along the West African coast. Its trumpet-shaped, purple flowers develop into 5 to 7 cm long pods containing numerous small, reddish-brown seeds.

The pungent, peppery taste of the seeds is caused by aromatic ketones; e.g., (6)-paradol (systematic name: 1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-decan-3-one). Essential oils, which are the dominating flavor components in the closely related cardamom,[2] occur only in traces.


Grains of paradise are commonly employed in the cuisines of West Africa and of North Africa, where they have been traditionally imported via caravan routes in a series of transshipments through the Sahara desert and whence they were distributed to Sicily and Italy. Mentioned by Pliny as "African pepper" but subsequently forgotten in Europe, grains of paradise became a very fashionable substitute for black pepper in 14th- and 15th-century[3] Europe, especially in northern France, one of the most populous regions in Europe at the time.[4] The Ménagier de Paris recommends it for improving wine that "smells stale". Through the the Middle Ages and into the Early Modern period, the theory of the Four Humours governed theorizing about nourishment on the part of doctors, herbalists and druggists: in this context, "graynes of paradise, hoot & moyste þey be" John Russell observed, in The Boke of Nurture.[5] Later, the craze for the spice waned, and its uses were reduced to a flavoring for sausages and beer. In the eighteenth century its importation to Great Britain collapsed after a Parliamentary act of George III forbade its use in malt liquor, aqua vita and cordials.[6] By 1880 the Encyclopaedia Britannica (9th edition) was reporting, "Grains of paradise are to some extent used in veterinary practice but for the most part illegally to give a fictitious strength to malt liquors, gin and cordials".[7]

Aframomum melegueta pods at a market in São João dos Angolares, São Tomé Island. The fruits are eaten raw in that nation's cuisine.

Today it is largely unknown outside of West and North Africa, except for its use as a beer flavoring in some beers (including Samuel Adams Summer Ale), gins, and Norwegian aquavit.[citation needed] In America, Grains of Paradise are starting to enjoy a slight resurgence in popularity due to their use by some well-known chefs. Alton Brown is a fan of its use, and he uses it in his apple pie recipe on an episode of the tv cooking show Good Eats. They are also used by people on certain diets, such as a raw-food diet, because they are less irritating to digestion than black pepper.


In West African folk medicine, grains of paradise are valued for their warming and digestive properties, and among the Efik people in Nigeria have been used for divination and ordeals determining guilt.[8] A. melegueta has been introduced to the Caribbean Islands, where it is used as medicine and for religious (voodoo) rites.[citation needed]


  1. ^ "Southern Nations Nationalities and People’s Region (SNNPR) Livelihood Profiles: Regional Overview", FEWS NET (January 2005), p. 27 (accessed 18 May 2009)
  2. ^ Grains of Paradise are listed among the unofficial varieties of Cardamum Seed in the in the 25th ed. of the Dispensatory of the United States of America (1955) p. 257, Paul E. Beichner notes, in "The Grain of Paradise" Speculum 36.2 (April 1961:302-307) p 303. Beichner suggests that the miraculous greyn of The Prioress's Tale was Grain of Paradise.
  3. ^ Several recipes in Two Fifteenth-century Cookery-Books, Thomas Austin, ed, Early English Texts Society, 91 (1888), noted in passing by Beichner 1961, under the names graynys of parise, graynis of parys Graynys of Perys, and simply Graynis.
  4. ^ "Its popularity may have been due to the brilliant name thought up for it by some advertising genius born before his times," observes Maguelonne Toussaint-Samat, Anthea Bell, tr., The History of Food, revised ed. 2009, p. 446.
  5. ^ Noted, with other examples of fiery and watery grains of Paradise, by Beichner 1961, p. 304, note 8; cardamom, with which it was often confused, as Cardamomum maius and Cardamomum minus, was reported by Dioscurides as hot and dry in its qualities, as recorded in the late 13th-century Herbal of Rufinus (Beichner, p. 305f).
  6. ^ Peter Kup, A history of Sierra Leone, 1400-1787 (Cambridge University)
  7. ^ Quoted in Beichner 1961, p. 304.
  8. ^ Donald C. Simmons, "Efik Divination, Ordeals, and Omens" Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 12.2 (Summer, 1956:223-228) pp223f,


  • Dybas, Cheryl Lyn, Ilya Raskin, photographer, "Out of Africa: A Tale of Gorillas, Heart Disease... and a Swamp Plant" BioScience, 57 (May 2007) pp. 392–397.
  • Katzer spice site
  • Grains of Paradise.com

See also

External links

Grains of Paradise.com Grains of Paradise - Evidence of effective, benefits and side effects - Unbiased review by pharmacists